Medicare Agents vs Brokers: Pros, Cons, & How To Choose
Anyone currently enrolled in Medicare or will soon be turning 65, or any relatives of seniors or Medicare beneficiaries who assist with healthcare matters. Gain a solid understanding of what Medicare is, how it works, and the benefits available to you. Get the latest information on the yearly changes to Medicare benefits. Ask a Licensed Agent questions about your specific situation. Whether you are just turning 65, are looking to gain access to early benefits, or need to delay Medicare enrollment, your dedicated Licensed Independent Agent will review all the pros and cons. All agents must have a license in the states where they sell policies. Without adequate coverage, these costs can add up to millions of dollars. That's part of why some carriers require you to have E&O before you can sell with them. Determine the size and diversity of the plan's network so you can advise new clients. Identify what costs a client might incur if they go out of network and ask the carrier...
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